With the temperatures on the rise - certainly in this part of the world - and having posted earlier this month about the LED Message Display USB Mouse with Integrated Hand Cooling & Remote along comes this keyboard with built-in cooling fans which we felt compelled to feature as both of these gadgets combined could see your hands kept comfortably cool whilst at your PC throughout the summer.
Measuring in at a not especially compact 20″ x 8.7″ x 13.8″, the USB Cooler Keyboard comes with USB 2.0 connectivity and a series of prominent vents lined along the keyboards’ wrist rest that, when the keyboard’s hooked up, will supply a steady stream of cooling air under your hands courtesy of three fans as your type but, unfortunately (I jest, of course) unlike the aforementioned cooling muse there’s no gaudy LED display offering the ability to show customisable messages.
The USB Cooler Keyboard will set you back around $93 though, if you’re anything like us, you’ll happily get by without it.

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